Andrew Newell's Article in Business
Other Possible Applications of Robots
Currently, we are enjoying the benefits of the advancements in the field of robotics. Many factories and other industrial facilities utilize robots for both manufacturing and research. In medical facilities, robots are used in order to ensure the precision measurements required when mixing chemicals.
Posted on Aug-13-2009
Japan; the New Birthplace of Robots
Japan is the country that gave the world giant robots, small robots and human sized robots. From the fictional Mobile Suit Gundam to the small tea-making robot maid, Japan’s robotics technology has been pushing the limits of our minds and imagination.
Posted on Aug-13-2009
A Look into the Morality of Military Research into Automated Robots
The concept of a robot soldier has long been etched into society with the help of media and science fiction. Indeed, the concept of an automated machine going to the battle field plants the idea that wars would bring less death as a result of having less human soldiers on the field.
Posted on Aug-13-2009
The Future of Japanese Robotics
The Japanese has always been a keen bunch for the world of robotics. They are so engrossed in the robotics industry that they constantly introduce new kinds of hi-tech robots to the global market, while the rest of the world is struggling to keep up.
Posted on Jun-27-2009
Get Yourself a Nice All-American Domestic Robot
Quite simply, a domestic robot is either a simple or complex machine used for household chores. There are only a few limited models thus far, but scientists all over the country are anticipating a robot revolution within the next couple of decades.
Posted on Jun-27-2009
Three Reasons Why Humanoids Will Someday Replace Humans as Soldiers
A humanoid is essentially a general-purpose robot that looks a lot like a human person. Not by mere face only, but complete with a head, torso, arms, and legs.
Posted on Jun-27-2009
A Closer Look At The Benefits of Robotic Surgery
Quite simply, robotic surgery is the use of robots in performing surgical procedures. Today, doctors all over the world are starting to learn to use sophisticated robots to perform or aid in performing surgical procedures on patients because of better accuracy, miniaturization, and incisions.
Posted on Jun-27-2009
Presenting SWORDS; the World’s First Weaponized Robot
Try to imagine a soldier that doesn’t sleep, doesn’t eat, doesn’t feel pain, and doesn’t waste time on doing exactly what it was made to do; eliminate the enemy. This is SWORDS; the first-ever weaponized robot the world has seen.
Posted on Jun-27-2009